At The Oyster Shack we are committed to maintaining and improving the quality of the environment in our local area and nationally. Sustainability has been at the core of our business and now we feel it is important to take up the mantra of Decarbonisation.
This year, we were invited by Devon District Council to take part in their Decarbonisation programme. The programme's aims were to monitor and record the carbon footprint of the business, with a view to implementing strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of the business.
A further part to this programme is an offer from Devon County Council to part-fund works done towards Decarbonisation. At this stage, we have yet to apply for funding - however, the completion of the Decarbonisation Plan is step 1 in identifying the steps to take and using this as the basis for applying. In 2024, Devon County Council are offering up to £10,000 in funding, to be match funded by the business.

Following the Decarbonisation report, a number of steps were identified to reduce our carbon footprint. You can download the full report here to find out what improvements we will be focusing on.
It is our intention to achieve all of the recommendations given in the report, but to do so we are asking for donations to reach our target.
Over the past 3 years, we have been asking for donations of 99p, added at your discretion to your bill. This 99p was donated to Carbon Free Dining - you can find out more about this charity on carbonfreedining.org. As of June 2024, we'll be carrying on the optional donation, but with a view to using those donations to help us reach Net Zero and follow our Decarbonisation plan.
We have not set a precise target for donations to achieve Decarbonisation as we are still gathering quotations for the work to be undertaken, but are estimating costs in the region of £100-£200k. With your donations, funding from Devon District Council and re-investment from The Oyster Shack back into the business, we believe that in the coming years we will proudly be able to reach Net Zero well ahead of the Government's target of 2050.
For more information or to discuss any of the above, you can email us on bigbury@oystershack.co.uk